
The healthy and happy growth of students is related to family happiness and the future development of the motherland. In order to effectively enhance the students’ safety literacy, strengthen the teachers and students’ safety awareness, improve the teachers and students emergency response capabilities, teachers and students to build a strong defence of life safety, “National Day of Safety Education for Primary and Secondary School Students” as an opportunity, all teachers and students of our school real practice to build a line of defence, to prevent danger before it occurs.

消防教育 牢记于心

Remember the Firefighting Knowledge in Mind


On the morning of March 15th, our school organised teachers and students to study and watch the “2024 Spring School Fire Evacuation and Escape Drill” jointly held by the National Fire and Rescue Bureau and the Ministry of Education, which greatly improved the teachers’ and students’ awareness of fire prevention and self-protection ability to escape from a fire.



 in the canteen, property, school buses, etc., the staff actively carry out fire safety knowledge training. We have actively carried out fire safety training among the staff of the canteen, property, school buses, etc., and endeavoured to make everyone talk about safety, be able to prevent, and be able to respond to emergencies at any time.

疏散演练 实践于行

Evacuation Drill Practice on the Go


On the morning of 22nd March, our school conducted a full-scale fire evacuation and escape drill, Our school to drill activities to achieve “real” importance, strengthen the organisational leadership; “fine” planning, and strive to drill effectiveness; “clear” task, compaction of the responsibilities of all parties; “deep” summary, improve emergency skills, to achieve a drill, improve the effect of a step.



Ms. Wendy Yu, the principal of the drill site summary comment, she stressed the importance of emergency evacuation drills, in peace and security, to prevent fire, take each evacuation drill seriously, the establishment of a long-term mechanism to further improve the awareness and ability to prevent fire risks.


国旗下讲话,学生代表苏胜男同学倡导全体师生:“协”安全同行 “和”平安为伴,共建安全温馨的校园环境。

Speech under the flag, the student representative Andrea Su advocate all teachers and students: “Walking with safety and peace of mind. Build a safe and warm school environment.”


Our school will further revise and improve the school emergency plan, establish and improve the regular emergency mechanism, consolidate and improve the results of the creation of a safe campus, and escort the high quality development of the school.