九月份的开学季,总是显得那么不同,夏天仍气势汹汹,而一缕细烟正从大地上升起,证明秋天正向我们摸寻。The school season in September always looks so different. Summer is still in full swing, and a thin wisp of smoke is rising from the earth, proving that autumn is approaching us.


夏,在自己离别之际,展示着属于自己的热烈,是迎接秋的到来,更是为了迎接我们最可爱的协和高中学生。Summer, when it was leaving, showed its enthusiasm, to welcome the arrival of autumn, and to welcome our cutest High School students.


新学年的第一课——军训。The first lesson of the new school year – military training.


Military training is an important measure to strengthen patriotism and national defense education. It is also an effective way to cultivate the will and character of perseverance and self-improvement. Accepting national defense education is a compulsory course for every student.

协和少年们整装待发,英姿飒爽,在汗水中增强体魄,磨砺意志,一起来感受他们的热血青春吧。Our teenagers were ready to go, being spirited and energetic, strengthening their physique and sharpening their will in sweat, let’s feel their passion together.

协和校园的每一处仿佛都被青春的声音填满,1、2、3、4,我们步伐整齐,烈日不过如此。Every corner of campus seemed to be filled with the voice of youth. 1, 2, 3, 4, the shining pageant appeared with a measured march.

入学国防教育不仅是汗水,更是要学会必要的技能,我们学会了各种急救知识,青春会有意外,但是从此身边有了你我。Enrolling in national defense education is not only hard work but also learning necessary skills. We have learned all kinds of first aid knowledge. There will be accidents in life, but from now on, we have each other.

国旗飘扬,我愿成为一名护旗手,在国旗之下,我们感到无上光荣。The national flag was flying, and I would like to be a flag bearer. Under the national flag, we felt supremely honored.


从未觉得时间会过得这么快,入学国防教育就这样在汗水与呐喊声中结束了。I never thought that time would pass so quickly, and that national defense education ended in sweat and shouts.


为了让协和的新生们更好的融入高中学习生活的新阶段,各学科优秀学生争相登场给我们的学弟学妹分享自己的得与失。In order to allow the new students of SUIS to better integrate into the new stage of high school study and life, outstanding students from various disciplines rushed to the stage to share their gains and losses with our new students.

心之所向,行之所往。正青春,是美好的,伴随着的也有青春期的烦恼。心理学老师所说《青春在飞扬》,让我们直面无悔的青春。Liven your heart and hearten your life. Youth is beautiful, but it also comes with the troubles of adolescence. The psychology teacher said, “Youth is Flying”, allowing us to face youth without regrets.


高中部对新生的指引是全方面的,除了“五育”,我们还有最重要的一课——党员老师上党课,最热血、最青春的是党的坚持和信念,正所谓“青春心向党,奋斗新时代。”The Shanghai United International School guided freshmen in all aspects. In addition to “education five domains simultaneously”, teacher Wang of the high school told our freshmen from the perspective of the communist party that the most passionate and youthful thing is the party’s persistence and faith. As the saying goes, “Youth is devoted to the party and strives for a new era.”



Some people say that youth is unbridled, energetic, full of dreams, and running towards the future. However, in this picturesque youth, with some sweat, some persistence, some discipline, and some faith, wouldn’t such youth be more beautiful? Just like adding a little wine to coffee, it will have such a long-lasting and mellow flavor.