盛夏渐远,岁月温良,最是宜人在浅秋。 愉快的暑假悄然结束,开学季伴随着秋天的脚步款款而至。8月31日,我们迎来了新学期的报到日! Summer is fading away, the years are warm, and the most pleasant time is in autumn. As the summer holidays come to an end, the start of the school year is approaching with the footsteps of autumn, and on 31st August, we welcomed the arrival of the  new school term!




In order to welcome the arrival of SUIS HF’s students, the leadership of the school department planned carefully, and the classroom teachers and teachers in the classroom made elaborate arrangements, placed the books, and welcomed the children’s return with a grand ceremony.




The older siblings of the Brigade were also well-prepared to meet and greet at the main entrance, sending the new first-grade SUIS HF babies and newcomers to the SUIS HF family to their classes.


太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说:“早!早!早!你为什么背上小书包?” “因为我是小学生啦!”今天是一年级萌娃成长中的重要时刻,他们开启了属于自己的求知之旅。

The sun is shining, the flowers are smiling at me, and the birds are saying, “Good morning! Why are you wearing a backpack?” “Because I’m a primary school student! ” Today is an important moment in the development of first graders as they begin their own journey of knowledge.



Walking into the classroom, the teachers’ gentle words eased the children’s nervousness and kindly asked them about their expectations for the new term. The children expressed their love for the new environment, new teachers and new classmates with a little shyness.




The P1 children also  experienced a fun “Wonder Quest” tour of the campus. Led by the class teacher and deputy head teacher, the children clocked up the Muse Theatre, the Art & Sports Center, the Lion Building, the Dragon Building, walked through the Cultural Corridor to the Administration Building and finally back to their classrooms. At each of the punching stations, there were lively and interesting explanations by the seniors of the brigade department, and the children listened with great interest and got a complete understanding of the SUIS Hefei Campus.


The red sun is rising, and its path is bright. The future looks like an ocean, and the days ahead are long. As a brand new term begins, we hope that the children will make progress day by day, make gains month by month, and grow up year by year, so that they can become a “East Meets West” SUIS HF youth!