
The temperature of education comes from the sincere friendship between teachers and students, and from the unity and harmony between teachers. Homeroom teachers have the fundamental task of “building moral character and educating people”, and they are responsible for “cultivating socialist talents”, but they also face great challenges and pressure. In order to further explore new paths, methods and techniques for homeroom teachers in the new era, to enhance their work level and innovation ability, and to promote the overall healthy development of students, the first homeroom teacher forum was held on July 1st. The theme of the forum was “Lively Repetition” to activate the lives of teachers and students. The forum was held in the form of a thematic micro-share, where homeroom teachers were inspired by the collision of ideas, and were guided by specific problems, seeking more efficient and warm “problem solving” ideas in a more open-minded way.



the kindly influence of good teacher



the kindly influence of a good teacher

著名教育家陶行知先生曾说过:“真的教育是心心相印的活动,唯独从心里发出来,才能打到心的深处。” 班主任不仅是知识的传授者,更是孩子成长路上的那束光,照亮了一个又一个孩子的世界。班级管理是一门教育的艺术,每个班主任都有自己的理解和“妙招”。

The famous educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi once said, “Real education is a heart-to-heart activity; the only way to hit the heart is to send it from the heart.” The class teacher is not only the transmitter of knowledge, but also the light that illuminates the world of one child after another on the way to the child’s growth. Classroom management is an art of education and every homeroom teacher has their own understanding and “magic tricks”.



As a new class teacher, Ms. Wang Dongmei treats each student with patience and love, always maintaining an optimistic mindset. Different educational strategies are used for different students. Ms Wang has three all-purpose golden phrases: “It’s so sad, and let me hug you “. “What do you think?” “So do you have the idea to solve it!” For naughty boys, Mr. Wang will transfer the strategies used in English teaching, direct correct, and indirect correct.




Ms. Xu Juncai has successfully transformed the “crybaby Lin Sisters” with her loving education. She loves them, using appropriate physical contact, soft words and the essential love of a child’s mother. She loves them together with their parents, using home-school contact to learn about their past and present, and to find out how they behave outside school and seek their help. She loves them with their classmates and never leaves them alone in school activities. Helpfulness, love and unity have become the calling cards of her class.



Ms. Meng Yanxia emphasises rewards rather than “punishments” and puts students at the centre of education. Firstly, she looks for the bright spots in each student, recognises their progress and praises them in a timely and effective manner; secondly, she lets them know that love has principles and a bottom line; finally, she lets them grow in love, getting love from their peers, from their parents and from the subject teachers.



Ms. Zhou Wanjun shows us her classroom wisdom in terms of how to train young leaders. Everyone in her class has a position, and even the front and back doors of the class have been assigned special managers. She is good at using tools to refine the conventions into forms for various occasions. She lets her junior leaders work, giving them instant praise and recognition to build confidence in their work.


Each class has its own characteristics, either playful and active, or bookish and quiet. The most important thing that class teachers do is to irrigate each seedling with their precious time and drops of sweat, nourishing each heart with love and patience silently, without complaint and silently.



wait for the “flowers” to bloom

案例 Case1


There is a student in the class with a distinctive and very active personality who is very good at observing what other students are doing and telling the teacher at all times, thus getting into trouble with some of his classmates.



When Ms. Cheng Dongping found out the problem, she mobilised his enthusiasm and encouraged him to help his classmates. His “strict” demands on his classmates won the class a red flag many times, and his classmates gradually recognised him and elected him as the class disciplinarian.

案例 Case2


One of the students in the class was misunderstood by his classmates and he did not know how to improve his relationship with them.



After knowing his difficulties, Ms Chen Lin used an opportunity to guide his classmates to dispel the misunderstanding and get along with him in a friendly manner. The successful resolution of this case illustrates the profound meaning of “teaching with a golden chance when you see something”. In order to achieve good results in teaching children, we must be good at “teaching when we see something, and teaching when the opportunity arises”.

案例 Case3


One student is kind-hearted, caring and eager to make friends with his classmates. However, he often has misunderstandings with his classmates because he cannot grasp the sense of boundaries with people.



In response to this situation, Ms. Xu Xueying helped him to learn to express his emotions correctly and also conducted a class meeting on the theme of “Interpersonal Communication”, guiding the students to understand that everyone has flaws, but also strengths. We should learn to tolerate others and give them enough time and space. Gradually, there were fewer and fewer misunderstandings and more and more laughter between this student and his classmates.



Principal’s Recommendations


Principal Ms. Yu Xia recommended a homeroom teacher’s work treasure book “Classroom Management Ideas that Excellent homeroom teachers are Quietly Doing” to teachers, which is a wise reading book for frontline homeroom teachers to grow up quickly. Principal Ms. Yu Xia  took the teachers through the following areas of discussion, from classroom routines to classroom culture building, from home-school cooperation to classroom-based curriculum and designing classroom management. The book is a refreshing mix of creative ideas and easy-to-learn practical exercises for teachers who are at a loss for what to do as homeroom teachers. Classroom management is a monotonous task, and the headmaster hopes that teachers will be creative in their work to resist the “monotonous repetition” and the banality of life. We hope that each teacher will be a teacher of feeling, a teacher of heart, a teacher of character, a teacher who takes root in his or her own educational soil, dances to the wind and shines!




Parenting is a long road that requires us to march forward and keep exploring; parenting is a beautiful painting that requires us to paint and decorate with care; parenting is an intellectual project that requires us to open our brains and broaden our thinking. As long as we sincerely hold a loving heart, never forget the original intention, love this great cause of education, perfect ourselves in practice, constantly reflect and summarise our experience, our road of nurturing people will definitely be more solid and more wonderful!