Passing on the spirit of Lei Feng and carrying forward the new style of the times. In order to further study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, implement the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping to further carry out the activities of learning from Lei Feng, cultivate the sentiment of love for the Party, love for the country and love for socialism, and deepen the appreciation of the essence of the spirit of Lei Feng in the new era, SUIS HF actively carried out various activities under the joint organization of the Youth League Committee and the Pioneer Brigade Department to set off a fever of learning from the spirit of Lei Feng.
Launching Ceremony of the Lei Feng Volunteer Service Month
为进一步发扬 “奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿服务精神,推动学雷锋活动常态化、长效化,我校在3月初开展了学雷锋志愿服务月的启动仪式。活动中全校同学学习了雷锋精神的时代内涵,了解为什么学习雷锋精神和如何学习雷锋精神。
In order to further promote the volunteer spirit of “devotion, friendiness, cooperation, progress” and to promote the normalisation and long-term effectiveness of the activities of learning from Lei Feng, our school launched the launch ceremony of the month of learning from Lei Feng in early March. During the event, the whole school learned the contemporary connotation of the Lei Feng spirit and understood why and how to learn the spirit of Lei Feng. 

Through this thematic activity, the students of SUIS HF have gained a deep understanding of the importance of learning the spirit of Lei Feng and allowing it to shine brighter in the new era.
Passing On Warmth  Touching Hearts – SUIS HF Students Visit Needy Families In The District
传递温暖 情抚人心协和学子探望辖区困难户

The light of role models illuminates the way ahead and the spirit of Lei Feng encourages people’s hearts. To further promote the traditional Chinese virtues of respecting, honoring and loving the elderly, our school, with the active advocacy of the brigade department and the Youth League Committee, used the lunch break to divide into three groups on March 24th to pay a visit to three empty nesters in the Zhuyuan community under our jurisdiction, so that they could feel the warmth of society.



Our students strived to be civilised teenagers, helping the elderly with cleaning, giving supplies and performing shows, reflecting the students’ affectionate care for the elderly in the district and understanding the true meaning of the Lei Feng spirit in their practical actions.
Passing On The Spirit Of Lei Feng,Love All Over SUIS HF

Promoting the spirit of Lei Feng needs to be put into action. On March 29th, S7 and S8 activists from our school entered their classes and used their lunch break to tell the story of Lei Feng to P1 and P2 students. The story included elements of Lei Feng’s deeds and “learning from Lei Feng”, reflecting the spirit of Lei Feng’s selfless devotion and service to the people. The children will be able to understand the spirit of Lei Feng and carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng.
Our students got exercise during the activity and grew up during the exercise. The spirit of Lei Feng was like a spring breeze that brushed through the tender hearts of the students and sowed the seeds of dedication and willingness to help others.
Co-operative Education -P2 Wish Tree Planting Activity

协同共育 红梅传情二年级种植心愿树活动

In the warm spring breeze, we welcome the annual Tree Planting Day, where the seeds of “Simultaneous Development Of Five Education” take root in the fertile soil of the SUIS HF, and the Wish Tree finally blossoms in the beautiful campus.
On 10 March SUIS HF’s P2 “Little Lei Feng”, led by their teachers, tried their best in every aspect to build a warm home for the Red Plum Tree.
During the month, teachers and students responded to the call to help each other by doing small things and helping people around them. In the future, our school will also focus on the theme of “Learning from Lei Feng, Giving Love To Others” to actively carry out school construction and organise various activities to put the activities of learning from the Lei Feng into practice.